What’s New With Our Family

Daddy Daughter Date

Posted on: February 18, 2008


today i asked you out on a date with daddy. you said you wanted to stay home. i asked again. you sounded pretty decided. i explained that i don’t have many days off to be able to spend with my daughter. you obliged. you then put on your winter clothes and we headed out to the car.

first stop was…err…. where did we go again? oh yeah, that’s why you didn’t want to come at first. we went to the bookstore- barne’s & noble, i believe. i showed you the children’s section, decorated and painted with castles and dragons and loaded with colorful children’s books. i confidently asked you, “okay, wanna go back home now?” you quickly replied, “no, why? i want to stay here!” and with that you smiled and quickly ran to sit on the steps with a new book in your hands. i told you that at the end of the day you could pick any book there to take home with you.

at the end of the day you chose a book on wildcats, because you “love cheetahs and want to help save them from enstiction” when you get older. you taught me that “cheetahs die a lot because lions and tigers eat them and their babies”.

i hung out in the philosophy section, the science section and then spent 15 minutes looking at the cool leather-bound journals for sale. i thought it would be cool to pass a nice looking journal down to you one day, but opted to keep this blog since i can write 5 times as fast on a keyboard, instead of penning something down on paper.

by the time i was done, you had already “been done” for almost twenty minutes. you showed a lot of patience with me as i insisted on staying “just another minute” and to walk down “one more aisle”. seriously- thanks for the patience, young mature one.

you sounded hungry. no, it wasn’t the rumbling of your stomach that tipped me off, but the comment, “hey daddy are you hungry, cos i’m hungry”. i quickly deduced that you could go for some good food. close by was a great little place called SmokeHouse BBQ. i explained to you that it was the good kind of smoke, not the cigarrette smoke. you were relieved and told me how bad smoking is. we shared a pulled pork sandwich with beans- we didn’t like the beans so we exchanged the side item to some good ol’ fashioned maccaroni and cheese. Mmmmm.

you were hungry- you ate the whole sandwich! it’s okay, i wasn’t hungry at all. we then went to University Mall to see if the kid’s play tree was open yet. it wasn’t. daddy spent an hour looking at clearanc dress shirts and bought a few. you entertained yourself by hiding in between the shirt racks and scaring me.

over and over.

but yeah, i was scared. you’re fun to play with. i had a great day with you. when we left the mall it was dark. you didn’t complain once. i thanked you and you also said you had fun. when we got home you put in a movie in your room and that was the end of our date.

we’ll have to do this again sometime. thanks for the company.

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